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We need YOUR HELP.
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The Morris County Tax-Aide program provides totally free tax preparation services.

Have your taxes prepared for free by IRS certified volunteers at various locations in Morris County, NJ.

You don’t need to be a member of AARP to benefit from this service. And you don’t have to be a resident of Morris County.

It is open for all ages and income levels. The only limitation is that your taxes be within the scope of our volunteers’ training.

Go to the scope of our services if you are unsure.

All volunteer tax preparers are required to pass a series of IRS certification test each year.

The program is sponsored by the IRS through the AARP Foundation and the IRS consistently reports a very high level of accuracy in the submitted returns,

We can also help you with tax questions even if we are not preparing your return.

Go to the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide page for more information about this program.

Go here to see what you need to bring to your appointment and what you can do to speed up your time there.

Go to our list of locations where you can click on the name of a location to see days and hours of operation, directions to the site, and instructions on how to make an appointment.

All online appointment scheduling has been suspended for now.